Delia :D
2011. 6. 23. 13:29
/* Lock 조회 */
select a.sid, a.serial#, a.username, a.process, substr(a.MACHINE, 1, 20), to_char(a.LOGON_TIME, 'yyyymmddhh24miss'),
b.object_name, decode(c.lmode, 2, 'RS', 3, 'RX', 4, 'S', 5, 'SRX', 8, 'X', 'NO') TABLE_LOCK,
decode(a.commend, 2, 'INSERT', 3, 'SELECT', 6, 'UPDATE', 7, 'DELETE', 12, 'DROP', 6, 'LOCK', 'unknown') SQL,
decode(a.lockwait, NULL, 'No Wait', 'Wait') STATUS
from v$session a, dba_objects b, v$lock c
where a.sid = c.sid
and b.object_id = c.id1
and c.type = 'TM'
order by 6
/* Lock 발생 사용자와 sql, object조회 */
select distinct x.session_id, a.serial#, d.object_name, a.machine, a.terminal, a.program, b.address, b.piece, b.sql_text
from v$locked_object x, v$session a, v$sqltext b, dba_objects d
where x.session_id = a.sid
and a.sql_address = b.address
-- and a.terminal = '김성기'
order by b.address, b.piese;
/* Lock 발생 사용자 확인 */
select distinct x.session_id, a.serial#, d.object_name, a.machine, a.terminal, a.program, a.logon_time
--select 'alter system kill session ''' || a.sid || ',' || a.serial# || ''';'
from gv$locked_object x, gv$session a, dba_objects d
where x.session_id = a.sid
and x.object_id = d.object_id
order by logon_time;
/* 현재 접속자의 sql 분석 */
select distinct a.sid, a.sirial#, a.machine, a.terminal, a.program, b.address, b.piece, b.sql_text
from v$session a, v$sqltext b
where a.sql_address = b.address
order by a.sid, a.sirial#, b.address, b.piece
/* 접속 사용자 제거 */
-- alter system kill session 'session_id,serial#'
alter system kill session '27,29915'